
Sr.No. Particulars
1 Compound Microscope
2 Dissecting Microscope
3 Light Microscope
4 Blood Detection kit
5 B.P. Apparatus
6 Haemocytometer Silverline
7 Seleton of rabbit
8 Dissection charts (Frog, leech, scoliodon, cockroach, gametogenesis)
9 Permanent Slides (T.S. Of Thyroid gland ,Stomach and intestine of frog )
10 Mitosis slide set
11 T. S. Of Leech through Crop
12 Gizzard of Cockroach
13 Ascarias eggs
14 T.S. of ascarias through Gonad
15 L.S. of sycon
16 Hydra Nematocytes
17 Compound eye of Insect
18 T.S. of lung of frog
19 T.S.Pancreas
20 T.S. of testis, ovary, kidney
21 Chick embryo slide set
22 Placenta slides
23 Nurobar chamber
24 Life cycle of Silkworm Moth
25 Rotary Microtome
26 Incubator