About Library

The College Library is fully automated in 2011 by using e-granthalaya Software developed by National Informatics Center, New Delhi. The OPAC has been developed to access bibliographical details of library holdings. The bar coding of Library Books and Member ID is done. The Library functions like circulation of Books, Acquisition of Books, Cataloguing, OPAC, Serial Control and Administration is automated by using the ILMS.

The college provides free membership of N-LIST to all teachers, students and research scholars to access eresources through N- LIST. The N-LIST provides the J-STOR database which is comprehensive in Social Science and Humanities. The college librarian is a Member of National Digital Library of India (NDLI), an initiative of Government of India towards One Library, One Nation. The library regularly conducts awareness program on Use of N-LIST and NDLI. The list of publications by faculty members is available on website. The open access resources are available on college library page of website.

The Library regularly update its collection through purchase of books and journals. In 2017-18, 0.48 lakh were spent on purchase of books and Journals. In 2018-19, 0.44 lakh were spent on purchase of books and Journals. In 2019-20, 0.12 lakh were spent on purchase of books and Journals. In 2020-21, 0.34 lakh were spent on purchase of books and Journals. In 2021-22, 0.58 lakh were spent on purchase of books and Journals.

The library has 7971 of collection with 09 offline journals and 6,000+ e-journals, 1,99,500+ ebooks through N-LIST.

The library has taken initiatives for optimum utilization of library through various activities like books exhibition and awareness program and announced Regular Reader Award every year.